Melissa’s Produce Recipes
The Produce For Top Chefs and for YOU!!!
Nanny Bubby is a proud Melissa’s Produce Ambassador

From its founding in a small rented room to its current standing as America’s largest distributor of specialty produce, Melissa’s has remained family-run with a tight-knit family of employees and long-standing relationships with growers around the world. If you’ve been wondering how world-class restaurants and TV shows like “Top Chef” have been able to track down the world’s best produce… well, the secret’s out.
Flawless baby vegetables, exotic fruits including lychees and Pepino melons, sweet Ojai Pixie tangerines, juicy Sapūrana mangoes and Gold pineapples, a selection of banana varieties like Burro and Manzano… you’ve truly never had produce like this.
The Produce For Top Chefs and for YOU!!!
Recipes from Melissa’s Produce
Braised Hatch Chile Chicken Thighs
Braised Hatch Chile Chicken Thighs We LOVE chicken thighs, and we LOVE Hatch Chiles which are only available fresh one time a year, mid-August to mid-September. These are so tender, flavorful and delicious when browned and then braised. You will make them over and...
No Sugar Valentine’s Treats
No Sugar Valentine's Treats Long Stem Strawberries 1 package of unsweetened dark chocolate chips or pieces1 tsp. vanilla or seeds from vanilla bean1 Tbsp. butter Melt in a double boiler and when melted place in a pastry pen and start writing and designing....
Apple Roses
Apple Roses Recipe by Melissa Produce Corporate Chef Tom Fraker 2 Melissa’s Red Organic Apples1 package (2 sheets Store Bought Puff Pastry)½ stick Unsalted Butter – meltedCinnamon-Sugar – as needed1 package Melissa’s Cranberry Clean Snax® - crushed2 packages Melissa’s...
Black Garlic Flatbread with Caramelized Onion and Goat Cheese
Black Garlic Flatbread With Caramelized Onions And Goat Cheese I had only seen black garlic in a specialty grocery store a few times. Because of it’s darkish nature I assumed that would mean it was spicier or had MORE of a potent garlic taste. It seemed scary so I...
PinkGlow ® Pineapple Carpaccio
Pinkglow® Pineapple Carpaccio By Tasha Ann Powell I love learning about a new fruit that has only been on the planet in development for five years. And, it has only been on the market for 2 years at the writing of this recipe in January of 2022. I am talking about the...

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