Long-Life Era Community

Embrace the MINDSET!

💯 As we grow and age, we become more interested in being present, and strangely the “U” CURVE OF HAPPINES starts rising up after age 55. If you are older than 55, each year you will begin to get happier and happier. ISN’T THAT GOOD NEWS?

💯IN THE U.S. WE ARE IN AN ANTI-AGING ORIENTED CULTURE! NO ONE WANTS TO GROW OLD, BUT DOES ANYBODY REALLY WANT TO DIE YOUNG? That cultural idea in America may be one reason why those of us that are in our Long-Life Era™ are not REVERED AND RESPECTED for our WISDOM and why when we were younger we also didn’t respect the wisdom in those older than us either.

💯There is a desire to move those living in their Long-Life Era out to make room for others rather than being INSPIRED by what youth and older wisdom can share by bringing balance and success for both.  

💯This is changing! WE HAVE TRUE PURPOSE AS A GENERATION. Currently, for the first time in history there are 5 generations in the work place. And we, the baby-boomer generation are leading the change. Baby Boomers, the generation known for social change, have one more REVOLUTION IN OUR SOULS, and that is to change the culture around aging in America.

💯 If this resonates with you, by all means, go to the FB groups page and join the conversation with our, “Long-Life Era™ Community Facebook group”. And while you are at it, go to www.longlifemindset.com and embrace the mindset. You will begin to see the changes in your mental attitude about your longevity, and soon you will see a paradigm shift about the longevity of your own life. WE welcome you to the conversation.

Embrace the Movement 

Long-Life Era Mindset